Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain

Living Wide Awake

“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.

The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi

Deeper into the Heart

Wider into the World

Dancing each other Home

October Retreat

  Red Earth Sanctuary

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation Retreats : Andalucia, Southern Spain

Path For Real Life 

Deeper into the heart

Wider into the world

Walking each other home

October, Thursday   17th to Tuesday 22nd

Invest In Your Freedom

 Let every day blossom into your best day

“The Broken Gong”

Respond or React - How to tell the difference


Tired of your conflicted mind constantly booming out and reacting to the force of life coming toward you and rising through you  - ideally allow your mind to be like a broken gong - open to  be played by others, yet empty of any resonance, simply silent, peaceful and free to allow others to be, think and act the way they wish to;

Guess what, this gives You the freedom to be real and respond with genuine kindness;  

Breaking the cycle of reactivity is the secret to an unguarded open Heart able to be present and respond in the moment -

allowing every day to grow and blossom into your best day ever

Our Obsession to Control Life Controls Us'

We need not detach from our feelings to remain centred and free from reactivity.  in our lived experience, emotions are an important part of how we navigate the world. allowing ourselves to feel deeply is one of the most important things we can do on the path;  yet how often do we investigatetheire source - if they rise from the conflicted self then this is cause to investigate -

if they rise from an expression of love and intelligence follow the feeling into action;

How do we know?

if you do not feel diminished, personally hurt, or defensive you are moving in response and not in reactivity;  There is much injustice in the world does this sense of injustice rise in the personal or rise from a deeper sense of being called to serve:

Investigate the personal, act accordingly when it rises in truth ;

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing
and right-doing, there is a field.
I'll meet you there.

When the soul lies down in that grass
the world is too full to talk about.”


We are being called deeper to respond  to life, to our soul, to each other,

called to serve that which is real;

Life is abundantly rich, so full, so wondrous and touching with its poignant bittersweet moments, that it can feel unbearable at times- As individuals, we continually ponder: Can we embrace the boundless spectrum of opportunities? Must we shy away from this richness? May  we enjoy the limitless realm of possibility; May we aspire to respond and less to react:

         May we be as the broken Gong

   Retreat Practicals

Michael and I invite you to arrive in Guaro village at 16:30 on the start date of the retreat.

This aligns with the bus from Marbella and allows you time to settle in, swim, rest, and relax. Even if you drive, please still gather in Guaro because our track requires a 4x4. We apologise in advance for not being able to provide an address, as the Sanctuary is off-road and difficult to find. Closer to the time, I will email out practical information along with our contact number. We are only reachable by phone from 16:00 on the day of the retreat. Please contact us at


 The retreat finishes at 14.00 on the date given. 

 Book your return flight after 19.00, this gives plenty of time to return to the airport by bus: If your flight is earlier a Taxi is the other option, takes 40 mins and cost 45 Euros: works out cheaper when shared. 

Michael organizes this for you when you are here~


New Paragraph

     To book a retreat or  speak with  Grandmother Oya privatly  via Zoom - be intouch:  Send us a Message 

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