Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain

Living Wide Awake

“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.

The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi

Deeper into the Heart

Wider into the World

Dancing each other Home

December Retreat

  Red Earth Sanctuary

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation Retreats : Andalucia, Southern Spain

Path For Real Life 

Deeper into the heart

Wider into the world

Walking each other home

Thursday December 4th to Tuesday 9th

Residential Retreat £440 fully incl;usive

Earth Beneath Our Feet

Oxygen for the Soul ~  Spirit Embodied

 Our soul is starved from its natural connection to the sacred that deep knowing we belong -The substance of the sacred is woven into the fabric of existence and belongs to the deepest promise of creation: that life is not just a survival game but a passionate celebration of love and nature  

Returning we may find a balance resurfacing from deep within, a balance that reconnects and restores us and also allows us to contribute in unseen ways.

At this time of the year, silence draws us inward, away from the clutter and distractions of our outer life, to the deeper roots of our being. Here our soul nourishes us, we can be replenished, and here we can help replenish our families, friends and the natural world around us.   In the silence we can drink deeply of the waters of life that are still pure, we can commune with the primal forces of nature, and we can return to what is sacred and essential to our life

and to the life of the Earth.


You are more valuable than heaven and earth,

what can I say, you don't know your own worth

To book a retreat or  speak with  Grandmother Oya privately  via Zoom - be in touch: 

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