Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats
5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain
Living Wide Awake
“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.
The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi
Deeper into the Heart
Wider into the World
Dancing each other Home
Red Earth Sanctuary
5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation Retreats : Andalucia, Southern Spain
Join in the great and intimate dance of the universe
Path For Real Life
Deeper into the heart
Wider into the world
Walking each other home
Dear Friends - Dear Dancers
We are vastly more than minds limited version;
yet, if we are not this limited version, then who or what are we?
And, how do we discover our fundamental nature?
How do we grow ourselves home to our original nature
It's all a dance
This moment embodies all and nothing; each point holds all points, each pause miraculously fully contains the whole, each moment in time ticks with all other moments of time, time evolves in the timeless, much like saying, every step of each dancer somehow embodies, depends upon, and also fully expresses every step by all other dancers past, present, and future, and fully contains the entire dance; So it is, this moment is open to all other moments, past not only flowing into present and future, but future flowing into present and past, a continuum of pure impermanence, the true taste of the ordinary sweet life;
Our postal address is- Michael Moore
Spanbox B84, CC La Trocha, Coin
Malaga, Andalucia 29100
Website created by Grandmother Oya