Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats
5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain
Living Wide Awake
“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.
The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi
Deeper into the Heart
Wider into the World
Dancing each other Home
Red Earth Sanctuary
5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation Retreats : Andalucia, Southern Spain
Path For Real Life
Deeper into the heart
Wider into the world
Walking each other home
Certified to teach by Gabrielle Roth in 98
Dear Friends
In the spirit of service, I recognise myself as a sort of spiritual midwife my task is simply to evoke into wakefulness our true nature and to midwife its conscious entry into the world. The true nature is always and already present within us, i simply evoke it into consciousness and then help orient it to this human life.
What is required?
Your willingness to dance on the edge of your existence and breathe the fresh air of possibility not the stale air of conditioned reactivity; This invitation is a radical one because it is not based upon a particular philosophy or religion, it breaks all rules, all spells of illusion, it calls into question the very structure of who you believe yourself to be; who you are is not separate from the dance, separate from peace, separate from love, separate from the divine;
Grandmother Oya, weaves a unique experiential blend
5 Rhythms Dance, Self-Inquiry, Ritual Theater, Voice Dialogue and Meditation: Each retreat with G'Mama Oya is a unique jewel of discovery a potent medicine that tenderly opens your heart to the vast potential of your true self: Every moment at Red Earth is fresh and alive with possibility and a celebration of what it means to liberate from the limited self into the vast wholeness of one heart, one love;
What Is ?
" The compassionate Heart is the ground that supports the flowering of realisation as well as challenges the various ways in which we hold onto our argument with life, and resist letting go of the truth. We are often told " Just let go, " yet letting go never seems easy. This is often because we treat it as something we need to do; but letting go is an “undoing”, an unlearning and releasing of the holding on. I encourage you to enter into the heart of these gatherings with open curiosity, a willingness and dedication to discovering and embodying your true heart flow and awakened view " Any moment is the right moment, a moment not unlike this one to discover and embody your
true self:~
Dance is this language, a universal language that awakens and transforms -
and Your body is an instrument of conscious creativity and key to embodied awakening;
Grandmother Oya - an ageless and refreshingly grounded woman of Spirit- celebrates 75 years of dancing on sacred ground and has been certified to teach 5 Rhythms by
Gabrielle Roth since '98. and speaks of the spiritual journey as
"one of an unfolding flow of discovery and expression. The body is a profound source of wisdom when we begin to listen and sense its way of communicating. When body, mind, and spirit align, wisdom is born and revealed. I call it “united knowing,” when the body feels a deep and embodied “yes,” and the mind knows and understands, and the spirit brightens and dances. This intuitive knowing has always served me well, it shines forth and lights my day-to-day "~
My Dear Friends, if you haven't visited Red Earth before or it's been a while since your last visit, and you're interested in connecting with Grandmother Oya through Zoom,
Send us a Message
Oya's life is dedicated to the realization of our true nature, an exploration that started as a child and continues to point her way;
Oya's elder-hood is a profound wonderment and her fearless inspirational spirit offers each of us an expanded vision of possibility in our own lives. Her life is devoted to the realization of our true self and dedicated to the discovery of wholeness, freedom as, not freedom from, and the direct experience of how we create our own suffering and how we end it:
Oya guides the individual experiential through a powerful and profound discovery where... The complex is viewed as simple and her invitation comes to stop working on yourself, stop processing, and stop trying to fix yourself, the mind out of habit looks for something wrong in order to fix, search for a formula, a code for life, and in that causes great anxiety and harm; stop the battle going on inside its exhausting, give up the search and discover what you have been searching for has always been, it is closer than hands and feet more intimate than your breath;
We are all in this dance together weaving in and out of spiritual consciousness, learning how to stay present and through gratitude realize the miracle of our existence::
Oya is a direct link to the infinite compassion that is at the source of us all, her wisdom, her tenderness and attention to detail makes me smile just to think about.
Sarah Jane Uk
Dr Julie Forsey
Josh Oxford
Poppy Scotland
Michael and Oya have lovingly crafted such a tender place of shelter. Everything is in place to hold you, feed you, move you and shake you up in the most special Oya way.
Charleen, Northerne Irland
Caroline, A. Yorkshire England
Linda, Scotland
Lou, Bromley Kent
Heidi Hinda, Manchester
Fionna : Scotland
Ritual Theater
Our postal address is- Michael Moore
Spanbox B84, CC La Trocha, Coin
Malaga, Andalucia 29100
Website created by Grandmother Oya