Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain

Living Wide Awake

“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.

The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi

Deeper into the Heart

Wider into the World

Dancing each other Home

Schedule 2025

  Red Earth Sanctuary

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation Retreats : Andalucia, Southern Spain

Path For Real Life 

Deeper into the heart

Wider into the world

Walking each other home

 2025 ~Themed Retreat Schedule.

A great welcome, a great love, joy, and great encouragement to us all

Find Yourself...Be Yourself...


Confidence, Compassion,  Clarity
All hands, all hearts, all aboard the Love Train

Grandmother Oya, with husband Michael, have created a sacred container that truly supports and nurtures deep healing, joyful self-discovery and awakening. The sanctuary serves as a refuge, an incubator for body and soul and a practice ground for the pioneering spirit to explore, express and experience new ways of tending the ground of being and the tender shoots

that grow from this rich soil:

Each retreat is a wellspring of blessings,  a unique jewel of discovery and potent medicine that tenderly opens hearts and minds; Every moment is fresh and alive with possibility and a celebration of what it means to liberate from the limited sense of self into something deeper, more true, more compassionate, more aligned with the sacred song of the soul;

A Red Earth Retreat is a gift you really should give yourself

Calendar for 2025 ~ Themed Retreats

  "Meaning is what calls from the depths of our soul, the song that sings us into life, -

whether we have a meaningful life depends upon whether we can hear this song,

this primal music of the sacred" ~


Thursday 6th to Tuesday 11th

Let Your Purpose Find You link

 (individual & collective soul)

Here's a question  -  Why are you (really) here?

Let yourself be silently drawn…by the strange pull of what you really love ~ Rumi

"Purpose, like any great love, redeems us. Perhaps not from the inferno, but from the void.

of a life, starved by insatiable self-regard, that comes to feel desperately empty —

because, in truth, it has been. .”

 ~ During every retreat, Oya creates space for a deeper 'One-on-One' connection ~

Blessed with a full house waitlist only




Easter Retreat

Thursday April 17th to Tuesday 22nd

Resurrecting Hope, Peace and  Passion of Presence link

Be  enriched by transforming whatever makes you unhappy

into true spiritual abundance? Do not let resitence have the last word:

No Mud ~ No Lotus Flower

                "Tell me,  What Will You Do With Your One Wild and Precious Life?"

—Mary Oliver

This retreat creates an opportunity for the revelation of your true self while nurturing a deep connection with your individual Soul and the Soul of the Earth~ empowering you to embrace a life filled with joyful conviction and resilience in these challenging and cynical times. In doing so, it cultivates the power of hope, along with enhanced creativity, deeply meaningful moments, and                     healing, unearthing a rich source of energy, bold vulnerability, focused perseverance, effortless determination and joy;

"spiritual intelligence embodies the capacity to act with wisdom and compassion,

 preserving both inner and outer peace regardless of the circumstances.”

Rumi ~ 

Passion burns down every branch of exhaustion 

Passion is the supreme elixir and renews all hope 

Run far away, my friends, from all false solutions 

Let Divine passion triumph and rebirth you in yourself.

Love and wisdom are the foundations that foster creative action and give birth to

an inspirational life.


Zoom Online and Ongoing Women's Group


May Weekend Online

Friday, May  23rd to Sunday 25th

 Women Of Relevance   link

Body of Wisdom - Women's Spiritual Power and How it Serves

A Restorative and Regenerative  Retreat for Women

What are the seeds that will allow the new story of 'She' to come fully alive, to flower and flourish? The emergence of a new narrative is tied to the mystery of evolution, with each woman contributing her unique nectar in this great unfolding. The soul of the living Earth calls upon women to embody our purified passionate nature, true sensitivity and innate feminine wisdom. By reconnecting with a deep ecology of consciousness, we can awaken the magical awareness, healing, and  soul medicine essential to cultivate and  nurture a fresh, open and respectful connection with our precious bodies

while honoring,  and safeguarding the Soul of the Earth and all creatures


“The divine feminine is the warrior and the healer…

in a beautiful dance of strength and vulnerability.”



Thursday 26th to July 1st

Heal your life and discover gold in the shadows

  Don't Worry - Be Present link

                                                   Anxiety Spiral : Breaking Free

   " Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow 

    it empties today of its juice, joy and possibility"

Courageous Confidence ~ Meet difficulty with courage and confidence

from the smallest annoyances to the greatest upheavals learn to dwell in the strength of

bold vulnerability, where we might learn to see our most stubborn obstacles

 from the 'sacred view' as potent teachers and become a source

of joy for yourself and others

guiding the mind to be on your side to bring relaxation to the body

and calm to your life


Awareness 'IS' Key

                                  "The art of knowing is knowing what to ignore" ~ Rumi




Thursday 18th to Tuesday 23rd

   Oneness Blossoming link

The Benevolent Unknown

"Meaning is not something that belongs to us rather our life becomes meaningful  when we live

the blossoming of oneness"

Oneness is very simple and spectacular ordinary: everything is embraced and permitted to live in harmony and according to its true nature- This is the truth that is unfolding, the chance that is presented to us. The extent to which we seize this opportunity hinges on our level of engagement, the willingness we have to step from the story we tell ourselves, and our dedication to the truth;


 "The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you." ~ Rumi




Thursday 23rd to Tuesday 28th

When Love Dances  link

Enter Wakefulness

"greatness of heart"—a courageous love that allows us to meet pain with

compassion and stand steady in the face of life’s difficulties. explore how to deepen and expand this courageous love so that we can respond to challenges with wisdom and care

taking the arrows out of our hearts and  return to the simplicity of  belonging and freedom

untangling the knots that hold you back from embracing your deepest nature 

your indestructible core of love, courage, and intelligence. the place of balance, belonging

and well being  that benefits you and those around you.

All of us want, or need, to be loved. The need for love is one of the most basic human impulses

Love is life’s greatest gift. We seek for love, and yet it is all around and within us. It belongs to the oneness of life, every dewdrop on every leaf, the spider spinning its web, and the soft gaze upwards at the stars. If we open our senses, open our hearts, we can feel its presence. Love is life speaking to us of its real mystery. And in that conversation, so many things can happen, so many miracles  born, the small unsuspecting miracles that we often do not notice—

"the very centre of your heart is where life begins, the most beautiful place on earth"




Thursday 4th to Tuesday 9th

Earth Beneath Our Feet link

Oxygen for the Soul ~ Nourishment for Spirit

           Balance personal well-being with clear grounded heart-centred, and sacred action 


Our soul is starved from its natural connection to the sacred that deep knowing we belong -The substance of the sacred is woven into the fabric of existence and belongs to the deepest promise of creation and that life is not just a survival game but a passionate

celebration of love, the divine and nature 

Returning we may find a balance resurfacing from deep within, a balance that reconnects and restores us and  allows us to contribute in unseen ways.


You are more valuable than heaven and earth,

what can I say, you don't know your own worth

  To book a retreat or  speak with  Grandmother Oya privately  via Zoom - be in touch:

      Send us a Message link

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