Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain

Living Wide Awake

“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.

The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi

Deeper into the Heart

Wider into the World

Dancing each other Home

Love of life... Online Retreat

 Love of Life = Life of Love



Intensive Heart-Centred Retreat: November 11th to Sunday 15th


Scroll down for daily schdule 


Open Heart Open Mind

Masculine / Feminine Integrated Fully Functioning Compassion


Spiritual Activism rooted through the inclusive heart becomes a dynamic powerful force of love in action: meaning you can enjoy creating and manifesting new and exciting forms and circumstances yet you won't be identified with them                             

 We are born into sacred comunity it is called the world

and baptised into the white fire of the non-dual heart;

The heart that breaks open embodies the whole universe

       cleaning up starts with our growing up, showing up waking up 

Living as Presence            Maturing through Wisdom          Growing in Power   


The Engaged White Fire Heart: Compassion in Action:

I'm not talkinh here of the romantic heart, the sentimeatal heart, they will not "crack it" in todays world: i'm speaking of the full hearted engaged with the world heart, the awaqkened fierce heart, the heart that is a radient present, inclusive, shinning like the sun and not selective on who or where it shines: A heart that stands up and is willing to be counted, willing to love life in all its murcky depth and wonderus heights:   


 The modern world to us may look like it's gone crazy, yet it is not the dark and deep that threaten our survival it is the shallowness and fearless superficiality that disempowers: Humanity keeps insisting on jumping into the shallows believing it to be safe :The consumer is being consumed in the endless search for false security;

  Yes there is deep suffering in us and in the world yet with deep core strengh, inner stability and truth we honour all the many shades of triumphs and tragedies, mysteries and mayhem unfolding in the "Here and Now" We cannot stop the suffering, yet we can consionly decide to join the wave of humanity waking up all over the global village we call home;

 Every voice no matter how whispered is part of the immune system of this earth we call home: every creature no matter how small is significant and plays a vital role in the evolutionary dance of life: We are all connected through our shared humanity. When we recognize this moment for what it truly is, we see that all of existence is one big aware interrelationship. But this interrelatedness goes far beyond the notion of things being in relationship with one another. There are two dimensions of how the spiritual Activist's instinct works. One is a backward step and deep inner plunge into the realization of our true nature. The second is a re-emergence to surface consciousness where this realization informs the way our activist energy expresses in the market place of life:

Spiritual Activism is not a definition, nor a goal-orientated pursuit, The core dynamics are openness, gratitude, creativity, fluidity, understanding, clarity, wisdom, inner stability, a bold vulnerability, the desire for peaceful resolution, and a willingness to be humbled by life and the curiosity to enter the depth of nonidentified listening that allows for liberating insights and heartful perception to arise The energetic field of the activist is self-aware and perceived as a grounded sense of harmonized "self-love flow"(receiving) and outward love flow. (giving) Awareness of this flow builds a commonality instead of focusing on our differences we open beyond the condistioning, and that honest seeing of differences is often a sign of a deeper humbling and vaster unity; It is the Whole that functions through the individual rather than the individual becoming whole;                  

The activist is recognized to be the awakened heart and activism the pure love that flows outward into right action: The inclusive heart is not separate from joy, not separate from suffering: it is One, One love:  

It holds no position, needs no orange box in hide park, has no rank or fixed opinion, no cause or campaign, no definition, no platform, simply "holy love in whole action" this discovery brings the totality of you to life: The activist's motivation is love, peace, clear unpolluted passion, respect and freedom for all: Being aware of where we are coming from is integral to clear intent, compassion, communication and the joy through manifesting your clear vision; its up to each in our own time and unique way to follow the deeper impulse, dive beyond the sentimental unicorn heart of childish myth which has little capacity to embrace hardship, endure loss or ill health and come alive to the meaning of Embodied Heart: nothing stands outside the heart: The non-dual heart is not selective, does.t judge, discriminate, hide, or turn suffering away, it embraces all: it doesn't avoid conflict nor seek it out, it includes all the un-loved, dis-owned parts of ourself and that of the world: All that which seemingly is un-embraceable is drawn to the gravitation orbit of white fire; 

 From ants to angels; the divine manifests through each blessed form and in different ways; through music, art, parenting, caring, healing, ill health, even in the suffering and savagery the divine is discovered: live life to the full whether the river is flowing upstream or down; whether things are going your way or not, you will still have challenges, yet the way you meet those challenges will be transformed, continuously, endlessly from a place of grace and power: To be fully alive is to be fully present and active in the unfolding of now:   

   "What the world needs now is love sweet love"   

Our Daily Schdule 


Start Date Wednesday evening November 11th 

Ends 15th Sunday night   11.30 pm Madrid - 10.30 London 


First evening Zoom Session starts - 8pm Madrid - 7 pm London 

 30 min silent sitting every moring - 9 am Madrid - 8am Londan 

 morning session begins  11 am madrid - 10am London and last around 3 hrs

Evening Session begins - 8 pm Madrid - 7pm London

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