Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain

Living Wide Awake

“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.

The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi

Deeper into the Heart

Wider into the World

Dancing each other Home

Online November

  Red Earth Sanctuary

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation Retreats : Andalucia, Southern Spain

Path For Real Life 

Deeper into the heart

Wider into the world

Walking each other home

~Recharging and nourishing and bringing inspiration and aspiration to Autumn ~

A weekend Online

It is a period where you have the opportunity to stay home and this simple program will allow you to slow down, rest, and be nourished by peace, nowness and togetherness.
If you haven't participated in an online retreat before, now is your chance - Online Reviews link

November Online Retreat

   Friday evening 15th,  Saturday  16th

& Sunday  17th morning and evening sessions 

 ~ Loving The Real ~

Growing with the flow  and lighting up Now

   you do not need to have any special experience to be free.

        You just need to relate 100 per cent fully with whatever you’re experiencing —the good, the bad, and the ugly  ~

mix the mind with space and trust

 "lighting up the Now" is a way of discovering and  expressing your value and worth

rather than trying to achieve it"

What is your relationship to Time and the Timeless?

 Being present, living in the now, yet remaining organised and cognisant of how to use "Old Father Time"  efficiently without falling into the traps of cutting up time, your time, my time, and their time .  what does this “living in the now” mean?

Let’s get clear, living in the moment is not the same as living for the moment

'Living in the moment' or  'Living for the moment'

 Living for, despite its deceiving appearance–is really mind stuff. It is an example of ego-self trying to figure out how to be present ~ being present is not something to figure out, it is not something to do; it is a matter of “being” rather than “doing”.

    Living in the now transmutes our copper versions of joy into authentic gold–which will also bring along true purpose and action in one’s life.

As human beings growing up we lose our sense of presence, accumulating memories and developing our personality. Hence we need to deal with our traditional notion of time by practicing to be present as often as possible while managing our day to day time-based activities to the best of our abilities.

Worth and Value Revealed in the Nowness
To recognise inherent value, to experience it directly, is the same as being in the immediacy of the moment - this is what allows our truest nature  to 'light up the now' and manifest itself in a way

that fulfils the heart, fulfils life; we experience an unshakable almost mystical sense of worth and value, we get it, we understand we do not need to accomplish a thing in our life for our life to be worthwhile, isn't that a relief; life has worth and we discover this one breath at a time ;

although worth is an inherent experience at the heart of the recognition of our more true nature, there are obstacles; and we end up missing whatever value, whatever beauty, there is in the moment; and that is really sad- not bad, simply sad that we cannot recognise the precious value   in life itself; then we can offer all kinds of things, not to achieve value, only to express it;

it is the other way round you see; we have the treasure in us

it is just a matter of discovering and expressing it;

and expressing is a matter of aligning and participating with true nature in revealing itself


You know the value of every article of merchandise, but if you don't know the value of your own soul, it's all foolishness.

Other Online Offerings  via the Wonders of Zoom

Heart 2 Heart Connection - each session lasts for 1 hour or more.

  Online Spiritual Direction is a deep encounter, a profound union.  a confidential conversation between you and Grandmother Oya that helps you discern the difference between the voice and roll-play of your ego and “the liberated whispers of your soul" It helps you learn to listen deeply, to better understand—through sacred guidance—the many shades and patterns of your unique journey. Because it is created to help you understand the puzzle pieces that are uniquely yours, it also helps you discern and release your authentic divine wisdom and joy at being alive. As the layers of your journey unfold and clarify, Oya may suggest practices—suited for you alone;

For more info email us Send us a Message link

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