Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain

Walking the Earth from Contraction to Connection

Deeper into the Heart

Wider into the World

Dancing each other Home

Retreat Dates

  Red Earth Sanctuary

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation Retreats : Andalucia, Southern Spain

Path For Real Life 

Deeper into the heart

Wider into the world

Walking each other home

'Invitation To Dance  Where Eagles Fly'

 Dance / Meditation / Mindfulness  as an evolutionary path from which to

 Grow Up, Wake up and  Show up in your Life

Retreat Dates

Discover exciting opportunities to attend Red Earth Residential Retreats,

Both In-Person and Online; I wish you great  enjoyment in  planning your visit

    April, Thursday 18th to Tuesday  23rd - in-person poolside

May I Be Restored 


 May, Thursday  23rd to Tuesday  28th -  in-person  poolside

   Enjoying Life's Fullness

     Radiant Health of Being


 June, Thursday  27th to Tuesday July  2nd - in-person poolside

In the Loving Prence Of Heart

Fall In love with yourself

  Contraction to Connection


Autumn  /  Winter Schedule

 September, Thursday, 12th to Tuesday 17th  - in person poolside


Serum of Grace

 Living  moving as presence


October, Thursday   17th to Tuesday 22nd    in-person poolside

Invest In Your Freedom

Let every day Be  your best day


November  15th, 16th & 17th -------Online Retreat


December, Thursday  5th to Tuesday 10th- Pre-Christmas  in person

Mystery of "I"

Zen is good for nothing

Stillness is not the absence of motion but rather the absence of resistance. 


Retreat time is a much-needed break from daily responsibility and routine, a time to turn inward, rest, reflect and become curious and conscious of what is truly important to you, a time of one-pointed inquiry, a commitment to questioning our most cherished ideas and beliefs about who we believe our self to be. On retreat, I encourage all participants to fearlessly inquire down to the very root of self and the illusion of separation so that the perceptive light of the awakening heart can illuminate and inform our day-to-day embodied existence; 

Our co-created vision for Red Earth has created a safe, supportive environment a sacred cocoon in which practitioners of 5 Rhythms Dance, Spiritual Inquiry and other ecstatic dance and meditation practices and those who have never danced or meditated before can meet and merge to explore the rich bounty of their most fundamental and sacred self through dance, self-inquiry, voice dialogue, ritual theatre and the joy of community-

The Sanctuary with its tranquil setting provides a nourishing environment for a deeper, undisturbed and un-distracted human core experience, and recognition of the true self. Dear Ones, please understand, that dance, meditation, spiritual inquiry, ritual theatre although therapeutic and deeply healing are not therapy and should not be used in place of professional medical and psychological treatment; and if you are on medication of any kind or prone to panic attacks please inform me before you book, thank you 

Online  Weekends Retreats  and Evenings 

 We too often differentiate between what we call our spiritual life and our so-called “regular” life as if they are somehow separate. How can we authentically live our realization? How can we stay open even to our own perceived closeness? What is the awaken view and how is it relevant in our life? What is true compassion? How can we be true to ourselves in the midst of all the global struggles? How do we embody and live our insights? How do we stay present when faced with another's reactivity? How can we accept ourselves as we are? How can we give our best when we feel our worst? A retreat  online opens space for us to dive into the depths of our true nature  while living our everyday life and facing our everyday challenges;

The structure of our time together supports and encourages spiritual insight while integrating the realization into our very human daily presence, interactions, and activities. Our daily life is the arena in which the wisdom, grace, love, and compassion we have discovered  is offered, tested, lived, and challenged;

 "We start from where we are not where we want to be"

    To speak with  Grandmother Oya privately  via Zoom - be in touch:

  Send us a Message 

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