Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain

Living Wide Awake

“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.

The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi

Deeper into the Heart

Wider into the World

Dancing each other Home

Why Dance?

 Why Dance?   

5 Rhythms Ecstatic Dance

Your body as an instrument of conscious creativity and key to embodied awakening 


Dance a thousand gratitudes: 

 Dance is a universal language a hidden language permitting life to move through us in a uniquely spontaneously way giving physical expressions to spiritual and emotional undercurrents: movement never lies, the body never lies, it is the barometer of our climate and constantly changing, one moment sunny the next in roll storm clouds, down comes the rain, out comes the rainbow: this is life in all its mighty unpredictability and through free movement we learn to trust the bodies expressions of what is passing through: Instead of running for shelter and wait for the storm to pass we learn to dance in the rain, dance with life as it is, not hang around the edge waiting for a rainbow to appear: we learn to surf the waves  not be drowned by them. 


"Ego force is the greatest resistance to your Life force"


A caterpillar has the possibility to transform itself into a butterfly, yet till that occurs a caterpillar is a ground dweller: they can climb a tree, but fundamentally limited to the horizontal domain:  A butterfly can fly in the air its sense of reality totally different but a caterpillar can only imagine what it is like to fly, it cannot experience the truth of flight untill it undergoes that transformation;  To make this transformation you must be ready to transcend your old shape and embody the new order of being: 


When life force is free to move through you every moment is fresh, alive, bursting with hope, possibility, compassion, fear, courage, fury, stillness, tenderness, peace, potential, creativity, fierce grace, nothingness, and everything,: all of life's rich flavors rise and fall in the day to day ebb and flow of movement, we fill and empty: an ocean of life flowing through us and we need to learn to direct the force of life moving toward and through us. If we are unable to let go and empty out of the day, the month, the year, our life , vitality becomes blocked, we feel overwhelmed, over stressed, over tired,over-stretch and our inner climate may become a little dull, grey, cloudy, drizzly, interspersed with a few light showers and not so many bright patches: For some there is much turbulence, storm clouds with heavy thunder in the back- ground and a few lightning bolts that jolt our sense of containment and shake us to the core:~   much of our vital force has fallen asleep under a mind-blanket of inertia, ambivalence, ambiguity, suppression, judgement, doubt, fear, cynism, mistrust, self-consciousness, and control:


 we are vastly more than minds limited version;

yet, if we are not this limited version, then who or what are we?

And, how do we discover our fundamental nature?

How do we grow ourself home to our original nature?

It's all a dance       


 As we mature from  child to adult we form our sense of self around impressions, stories, and experience. during our formative years, these stories become our structure of identity. This process of identity is very natural, and most part un-conciseness, yet it causes us to wonder through life assuming that these core stories we tell ourself are true without questioning, we believe falsehoods, inaccuracies, and lies to be who we are. I'm not good enough: I don't belong:  I always get it wrong: I don't deserve: I'm not worthy:  any story we tell, that describes who we think we are is simply not the truth, 

We are not the shape of our mind

 These false- hoods that we believe to be true create patterns in the physical body and our flesh and bones slowly over time become the manifest shape of our mind. Our shoulders lock, hand clench, joints stiffen, jaw tense, our body grows from flexible child to lock in or locked out adult and we call it the aging process yet in my experience it has nothing to do with age, it is mind-made:

       The mind has a solution that goes against all the natural principals of nature,

Stay Young: Keep young and beautiful if you want to be loved:~ Annie Lenox :

The mind judges the body because it fears the bodies natural intelligence its

deep affinity to nature and the bodies inevitable mortality:

Controlling and judging the body is what mind does best:

The mind see's everything below the neck as dangerous, emotion, love, sensuality, sexuality because it cannot be fully in control:though it has a very good attempt at working everything out analyzing love, processing life, dealing with feeling: Numbness became the antidote to life pains and numbness is where we stopped feeling and gave the mind full power to reign in our kingdom:

The body is innocent yet the mind remains ignorant to that wisdom:

Ingrained in limited egoic consciousness are the stories that justify: "keeping everything button up, in control, predictable and secure, " the problem is life is not like that, life is chaos, sometimes unjust and unfair always unpredictable, unknown and insecure: So it's as if we have been hypnotized to go against the grain of how everything is naturally, organically moving, changing, shifting and we need a language that embodies this point of view and set the body free to regenerate again and again.

Dance is this language, a universal language that awakens and transforms


 Relaxing our conceptual mind toward, letting go, getting it right, being the best, standing back from trying so hard something miraculous happens, we empty out and find a way through to the heart of understanding and everything quietens downs, lightens -up, the moment becomes infused by grace, stillness, immersed in the mystery, emerged into one:~  deeper spirit filled questions come alive in the dance they invoke wisdom and help us discover what is real and true,

Your body cannot lie to the one that is sensitive to seeing and willing to listen 

Why Dance?

Dance for the sake of your body and bones, for the sake of your heart, and for the sake of our planet: Dance to awaken to the truth of who you are: Dance to embrace all beauty and divine imperfection. Dance to reliques fear's grip, control, and self-consciousness: Dance to align with the pulse of the universe and the scared heart-beat. Dance to know what it is to be human, and dance to let go of what you think you know. Dance to be in compassionate harmony with all beings, to face what you are not, and dance beyond what you discover you are; Dance the expansion and contraction, Dance the madness and miracles. Dance for no reason, dance for a thousand reasons;

"If you dont dance your dance who will"

5 Rhythms Dance

the body as an instrument of conscious creativity

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