Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats

5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain

Living Wide Awake

“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.

The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi

Deeper into the Heart

Wider into the World

Dancing each other Home

Maps to Zero

Maps to Zero,  
 “waking up” (spiritual awakening) needs to be complemented
through an embodied heart path of conciously

 “growing up” "cleaning up" and "showing up"

5 Rhythms Dance 
    Dance to forget who you belive your self to be, dance till you become the dance 

Voice Dialogue
Discovering, embodying and integrating dual and nondual aspects of self

leading to a liberated and fully functioning human being


Spiritual Inquiry 
Unlocks your deepest potencial and simply reminds you of who you are not


True Meditaion 
Lays the ground for awakening: 

Ritual Theater

Reveals you are a unique expression through which life consciously  reveals

itself again and again in every in every moment: 

honouring the divine perfection within the totality of Beingness

   embodying our human evolution through our Becomingness



 Radical Authenticity   Sacred Responsibility   Lived Experiance   Embodied Exsistence


Maps to Zero, is the strong sacred container for all eight of the 2020 retreats to which all participants are invited to immerse themselves : for it is in inner silence that deep realization spontaneously dawns; Retreat is a time of one-pointed inquiry, a commitment to questioning our most cherished ideas and beliefs about who we believe ourself to be. On retreat, I encourage all participants to fearlessly inquire down to the very root of self and the illusion of separation so that the light of consciousness can penetrate throughout the whole of one's being 

  Maps to Zero, is the ground that supports the flowering of realization as well as challenge the various ways in which we hold onto our argument with life, and resist letting go into the truth. I encourage you to enter into the heart of these gathering with open curiosity, a willingness and dedication in discovering and embodying your true heats flow, human and original nature; 

 Transcend and include, is the natural flow of both evolution and awakening, where we awaken spiritually and grow in human dignity, acceptance and bodily lived experience; Innate wisdom teaches us that to transcend and include are both vital: transcend without inclusion leaves "shadowy blindspots" operating in our psyche and from the highest peak to the lowest depth there is no place our shadow will not follow even into the heart of non-duality itself;   

 Maps to Zero, represents fixed points in fluid form and you are invited to dive deep and dedicate yourself to the direct discovery of what it means to spiritual wake up: Yet, it is simply not enough to wake up to the ground of being if you are unwilling to walk the path of growing-up and embody your natural powers: To know, love and serve our families, community and complex world we need to view from a multi-faceted perspectives, change the story lens and directly experance from an open heart open mind "What is it to walk a mile in another's shoes" This radical move-in perspective shifts our orientation away from "me, my, mine centre universe" and naturally broadens our conscious love horizon: 

 Cleaning up the "shadowlands" is imperative if we are truthy embracing Spiritual Awakening: These blindspots of reactivity and projection hangout in the basement of the mind: when we inquire we may discover those parts we thought had been dealt with actually became disowned, buried and projected onto others: Your "blind spots" give others a place to hang their projections:These blind spots are the aspects of ourself we've deemed unacceptable: Sometimes, however, we banish, not only the unloveable human aspects but the higher aspects of our nature, Consciously or unconsciously we banish love to the shadows, joy to the shadows: shadow work integrates by conjoining the opposites, making whole and holy:  

 And to the same degree be willing to show up and recognise your divine bodily existence, through aligning with and engaging your manifest human form and creative vision with that of the manifest world ; here the profane and the sacred, the mundane and the mystery merge in the totality so we may discover through direct experience empathetic attunement with all aspects of our embodied physicality and embrace the harmonious living truth that calls us home: 

 The modern world to us may look like it's gone crazy, yet it is not the dark and deep its the shallowness and superficiality that threatens to consume the consumers: its up to each in our way to dive beyond the unicorn heart of childish sentiment which has little capacity to love, evolve, embrace or endure life in all its savage grace and into the vast eternal space of beingness, the one spiritual heart of existence;


 we are living at the razor's edge of the human wave of existence,

it is our time to walk the way of heart and discover our true wisdom and worth:


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