Red Earth Sanctuary- Residential Retreats
5 Rhythms Dance & Meditation, Andalucia, Southern Spain
Living Wide Awake
“The very centre of your heart is where life begins.
The most beautiful place on Earth.” Rumi
Deeper into the Heart
Wider into the World
Dancing each other Home
GoLive on Earth
Thursday 17th Sept to Wednesday 23rd
(in the nature of an on-going)
The miracle in conflict and the love and freedom in resolution
perceiving through awareness our conflicted nature within helps us deal with the everyday conflicts we find ourself "in" or trying to "avoid"
There's always one, isn't there
The person who gets under your skin the most can in fact be your greatest teacher, you see my dears, as hard as this is to accept, conflict is not an obstacal its an opportunity to clean-up a thousand shades of grey in the psyche, grow from and show-up for yourself: its all workable:
Meditation, helps us align and touch our inner source of clarity, understanding and compassion, yet doesn't nessarcarily translate into skillfulness handlling of conflict in our personal and working lives; and meditation although relatively helpful, doesn’t help the sticky feeling go away:
Learning to rewire our perspective helps us to live in harmony with even our most irritating fellow humans—spouses, partners, colleagues, parents, children--shows that “getting along” is really a matter of discovering that our differences are nothing other than an expression of our even deeper shared unity.
some try to avoid outer conflict by being "peacekeepers"
this creates inner conflict deep in the basement of the phycie: others seek out
conflict, dramities there inner conflict so there outer word becomes a reflection of
there inner turmoil:
That's why many turn to meditation practice in the first place, because we often expect all our struggels will miraculously disaperar, Yet . . . surprise suprise they don't, intead they become strongly highlighted in the light of consciousness as we blinker ourselves to the blindspot, and endeavor to "om" our way to peace and love:
Whatever strategies we put in place we will still disagree with each other, were going to disagree, argue, get hurt, say things we didn’t mean to say. It’s demoralizing, exhausting and incredibly destructive. We’re stuck with conflict as long as we’re human beings with jobs, relationships, or walking the dog:
What helps is finding wisdom in the three ways we tend to deal with conflct ignorance, passion, and aggression
We make resolving conflict a valued and sacred part of our open heart practice that honours everyone involved and offers deep insight, wisdom and compassion and potentially deepening our empathetic connection to ourself our nearest and dearest, collengues, friends and open out our world view perspective;
All and everything is grace fresh, alive in the unfolding now
Retreat Practicals
Michael and I invite you to arrive in Guaro village around 16.00 on the start date of the retreat, this falls in line with the bus from Marbella and gives you time to settle in, swim, rest and relax: No collections after 16.30, so if you stand outside this framework please contact us, as you may need to stay in Marbella and travel up on the first bus, or arrive the day before :
Michael collects everyone at this time and drives the short distance to Red Earth ( no charge)Or you can arrive at Red Earth on foot it's a beautiful walk and after your day of travelling offers time to pause and reflect
We apologize in advance for not being able to give you an address, the Sanctuary is off-road and difficult to find:
Nearer the time I email out practicals with our contact number: we are only contactable by phone from 16.00 on the day of the retreat, not before: So if you wish to contact us please email on
Red Earth is a "selfie free zone" so please for your privacy and that of others no photos to be taken in or around the sanctuary: thank you:
Please make a ritual of turning off your mobile phone before you enter Red Earth, it is a way of valuing yourself and honouring your time here: For this reason we request you give our contact number and email address to your nearest and dearest before you leave home, so in the unlikely event of an emergency you can be contacted through us day or night:
The retreat finishes at 14.00 on the date given.
Book your return flight early evening around 19.00, this gives plenty of time to return to the airport by bus: If your flight is earlier a Taxi is the other option, takes 40 mins and cost 45 Euros: works out cheaper when shared.
Michael organizes this for you when you are here~
All aspects of your journey to Red Earth ( flights, buses, hotels, hostels)
Our postal address is- Michael Moore
Spanbox B84, CC La Trocha, Coin
Malaga, Andalucia 29100
Website created by Grandmother Oya